2025.03.12 |
(経過開示)豪州Rhodes Ridge鉄鉱石事業の権益取得に関するお知らせ
2025.03.12 |
Update on Previous Disclosure: Acquisition of Interest in Rhodes Ridge Iron Ore Project in Australia
2025.03.12 |
2025.03.12 |
Acquisition of an Operational Data Center Asset in Japan to be Included in New Mitsui Data Center Fund
2025.02.27 |
2025.02.27 |
Notification of Progress and Completion of Share Repurchase and Number of Treasury Stock to be Cancelled
2025.02.19 |
豪州Rhodes Ridge鉄鉱石事業の権益取得に関するお知らせ
2025.02.19 |
Acquisition of Interest in Rhodes Ridge Iron Ore Project in Australia
2025.02.04 |
2025年3月期 第3四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2025.02.04 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Nine-Month Period Ended December 31, 2024 [IFRS]
2025.02.03 |
2025.02.03 |
Notification of Progress on Share Repurchase
2025.01.16 |
2025.01.16 |
Changes of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members and Executive Officers
2025.01.15 |
2025.01.15 |
Notice of the Sale of Shares in B Food Science Co., Ltd.
2025.01.06 |
2025.01.06 |
Notification of Progress on Share Repurchase
2024.12.25 |
2024.12.25 |
Notice of Partial Sale of a Rental Property
2024.12.02 |
2024.12.02 |
Notification of Progress on Share Repurchase
2024.11.12 |
Corporate Governance Report
2024.11.12 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2024/11/12
2024.11.01 |
2025年3月期 第2四半期(中間期)決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2024.11.01 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Six-Month Period Ended September 30, 2024 [IFRS]
2024.11.01 |
2024.11.01 |
Notification of Progress on Share Repurchase
2024.10.01 |
2024.10.01 |
Notification of Progress on Share Repurchase and Number of Treasury Stock to be Cancelled
2024.09.11 |
2024.09.11 |
Notification of Partial Amendments to “Notification of Share Repurchase and Cancellation of Treasury Stock” and Cancellation of Treasury Stock
2024.09.02 |
2024.09.02 |
Notification of Progress on Share Repurchase
2024.08.09 |
2024.08.09 |
Change of a Specified Subsidiary
2024.08.01 |
2025年3月期 第1四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2024.08.01 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Three-Month Period Ended June 30, 2024 [IFRS]
2024.08.01 |
2024.08.01 |
Notification of Progress on Share Repurchase
2024.07.29 |
2024.07.29 |
Notice Concerning the Completion of the Pay-in Procedures for the Disposal of Treasury Stock for Tenure-Linked Restricted Stock-Based Remuneration
2024.07.11 |
2024.07.11 |
Final Investment Decision for Ruwais LNG Project in UAE
2024.07.10 |
2024.07.10 |
Notice Concerning the Disposal of Treasury Stock for Tenure-Linked Restricted Stock-Based Remuneration
2024.06.25 |
2024.06.25 |
Notice of Determination of Offer Price, etc.
2024.06.24 |
2024.06.24 |
Notice of Secondary Offering of Shares in Overseas Markets
2024.06.24 |
2024.06.24 |
Notification of Progress on Share Repurchase
2024.06.19 |
Corporate Governance Report
2024.06.19 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2024/06/19
2024.06.03 |
2024.06.03 |
Notification of Progress on Share Repurchase
2024.05.16 |
2024.05.16 |
2024.05.16 |
Notice of the 105th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
2024.05.16 |
Other Items Subject to Measures for Electronic Provision for the 105th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
2024.05.01 |
2024年3月期 決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2024.05.01 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2024 [IFRS]
2024.05.01 |
インドネシア パイトン発電事業の持分売却完了について
2024.05.01 |
Completion of the sale of shares in PT Paiton Energy
2024.05.01 |
2024.05.01 |
Notice Regarding Share Split and Ensuing Partial Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
2024.05.01 |
2024.05.01 |
Notification of Share Repurchase and Cancellation of Treasury Stock
2024.04.30 |
2024.04.30 |
Notice Concerning the Completion of the Pay-in Procedures for New Shares Issued as Post-Delivery Restricted-Stock-Based Remuneration
2024.04.09 |
2024.04.09 |
Notice Concerning the Issuance of New Shares as Post-Delivery Restricted-Stock-Based Remuneration
2024.04.09 |
Corporate Governance Report
2024.04.09 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2024/04/09
2024.03.29 |
ベトナムBlock Bガス田開発の最終投資決断の実行
2024.03.29 |
Final Investment Decision for the Development of Vietnam Block B Gas Field
2024.03.21 |
2024.03.21 |
Amendment to the Retirement Benefit System
2024.02.16 |
ブラジル複合一貫貨物輸送会社VLI S.A.の一部株式譲渡に関するお知らせ
2024.02.16 |
Notice of the Partial Share Transfer of Brazilian Intermodal Freight Transportation Services Company VLI S.A.
2024.02.02 |
2024年3月期 第3四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2024.02.02 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Nine-Month Period Ended December 31, 2023 [IFRS]
2024.02.01 |
2024.02.01 |
Notification of Progress and Completion of Share Repurchase and Number of Treasury Stock to be Cancelled
2024.01.12 |
2024.01.12 |
Changes to Governance and Executive Structures and Directors and Executive Officers
2024.01.04 |
2024.01.04 |
Notification of Progress on Share Repurchase
2023.12.22 |
Corporate Governance Report
2023.12.22 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2023/12/22
2023.12.15 |
RGF Staffing Delaware, Inc.の株式の譲渡に関するお知らせ
2023.12.15 |
Notice of the Share Transfer of RGF Staffing Delaware, Inc.
2023.12.14 |
2023.12.14 |
Notice of Divestment of Upstream Interest in the Kaikias Field in the US Gulf of Mexico and Change to Designated Consolidated Subsidiary
2023.12.01 |
2023.12.01 |
Notification of Progress on Share Repurchase
2023.11.22 |
International Power (Australia) Holdings Pty Limitedの株式譲渡に関するお知らせ
2023.11.22 |
Notice of the Planned Share Transfer of International Power (Australia) Holdings Pty Limited
2023.11.09 |
Corporate Governance Report
2023.11.09 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2023/11/09
2023.11.08 |
フィリピン総合インフラ会社Metro Pacific Investments Corporationの新規株式割当の引受けに関するお知らせ
2023.11.08 |
Underwriting of New Share Allotment for Metro Pacific Investments Corporation, an Integrated Infrastructure Company in the Philippines
2023.11.03 |
ロシア・アークティックLNG 2プロジェクトに関するお知らせ
2023.11.03 |
Announcement on Arctic LNG 2 Project in Russia
2023.11.02 |
(訂正)「2024年3月期 第2四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)」の一部訂正に関するお知らせ
2023.11.02 |
Correction of Consolidated Financial Results for the Six-Month Period Ended September 30, 2023 [IFRS]
2023.11.02 |
エクアドル エビ養殖事業への出資参画に関連するお知らせ
2023.11.02 |
Notice Related to Investment in Shrimp Farming Business in Ecuador
2023.10.31 |
2024年3月期 第2四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2023.10.31 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Six-Month Period Ended September 30, 2023 [IFRS]
2023.10.31 |
2023.10.31 |
Notice Regarding the Revision of Interim and Year-End Dividend Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2024
2023.10.31 |
2023.10.31 |
Notification of Share Repurchase and Cancellation of Treasury Stock
2023.09.22 |
2023.09.22 |
Final Investment Decision for Hai Long Offshore Wind Power Project in Taiwan
2023.09.20 |
フィリピン総合インフラ会社Metro Pacific Investments Corporationの公開買付けの終了に関するお知らせ
2023.09.20 |
Result of Tender Offer to Acquire Metro Pacific Investments Corporation, an Integrated Infrastructure Company in the Philippines
2023.09.08 |
フィリピン総合インフラ会社Metro Pacific Investments Corporationの公開買付けの延長に関するお知らせ
2023.09.08 |
Notification of Extension of Tender Offer to Acquire Metro Pacific Investments Corporation, an Integrated Infrastructure Company in the Philippines
2023.08.29 |
Thorne HealthTech, Inc.の株式の譲渡に関するお知らせ
2023.08.29 |
Notice of Planned Share Transfer of Thorne HealthTech, Inc.
2023.08.08 |
フィリピン総合インフラ会社Metro Pacific Investments Corporationの公開買付けの開始に関するお知らせ
2023.08.08 |
Commencement of Tender Offer to Acquire Metro Pacific Investments Corporation, an Integrated Infrastructure Company in the Philippines
2023.08.08 |
エクアドル エビ養殖事業への出資参画
2023.08.08 |
Investment in Shrimp Farming Business in Ecuador
2023.08.07 |
Mitsui Rail Capital Europe B.V.の株式の譲渡に関するお知らせ
2023.08.07 |
Notice of the Planned Share Transfer of Mitsui Rail Capital Europe B.V.
2023.08.01 |
2024年3月期 第1四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2023.08.01 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Three-Month Period Ended June 30, 2023 [IFRS]
2023.08.01 |
インドネシア パイトン発電事業の持分売却状況について
2023.08.01 |
The current status regarding the sale of shares in PT Paiton Energy
2023.07.26 |
2023.07.26 |
Notice Concerning the Completion of the Pay-in Procedures for New Shares Issued under the Remuneration System of Tenure-Linked Restricted Stock
2023.07.11 |
2023.07.11 |
Notice Concerning the Issuance of New Shares under the Remuneration System of Tenure-Linked Restricted Stock
2023.07.10 |
2023.07.10 |
Notification of Progress and Completion of Share Repurchase and Number of Shares of Treasury Stock to be Cancelled
2023.07.06 |
2023.07.06 |
Notice Regarding Continuation of Share-Based Compensation Plan for Employees
2023.07.04 |
フィリピン総合インフラ会社Metro Pacific Investments Corporationの公開買付け実施に係る買付価格変更のお知らせ
2023.07.04 |
Revision of Offer Price in Tender Offer to Acquire Metro Pacific Investments Corporation, an Integrated Infrastructure Company in the Philippines
2023.07.03 |
2023.07.03 |
Notification of Progress on Share Repurchase
2023.07.03 |
インドネシア パイトン発電事業の持分売却完了見通しについて
2023.07.03 |
The expected timing of sale completion of shares in PT Paiton Energy
2023.06.29 |
2023.06.29 |
Notice Regarding Results of Tender Offer for Shares of Relia, Inc. (Securities Code: 4708)
2023.06.23 |
Celanese Corporation傘下の機能性食品素材事業の株式取得
2023.06.23 |
Acquisition of Shares in a Functional Food Ingredients Business Affiliated to Celanese Corporation
2023.06.21 |
Corporate Governance Report
2023.06.21 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2023/06/21
2023.06.01 |
2023.06.01 |
Notification of Progress on Share Repurchase
2023.06.01 |
フィリピン総合インフラ会社Metro Pacific Investments Corporationの公開買付け実施に向けた進捗状況のお知らせ
2023.06.01 |
Notice Regarding Progress of Tender Offer to Acquire Metro Pacific Investments Corporation, an Integrated Infrastructure Company in the Philippines
2023.05.29 |
りらいあコミュニケーションズ及びKDDIエボルバの経営統合に伴うOtemachi Holdingsによるりらいあコミュニケーションズに対する公開買付け開始に関するお知らせ
2023.05.29 |
Notice Regarding Commencement of Tender Offer for Shares of Relia by Otemachi Holdings in Connection with Business Integration
2023.05.17 |
2023.05.17 |
2023.05.17 |
Notice of the 104th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
2023.05.17 |
Other Items Subject to Measures for Electronic Provision for the 104th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
2023.05.02 |
2023年3月期 決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2023.05.02 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2023 [IFRS]
2023.05.02 |
2023.05.02 |
Notice Concerning Dividends
2023.05.02 |
2023.05.02 |
Notice Concerning Difference between Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2023 and 2022
2023.05.02 |
中期経営計画2026 「Creating Sustainable Futures」公表のお知らせ
2023.05.02 |
Notice Regarding Announcement of Medium-term Management Plan 2026 “Creating Sustainable Futures”
2023.05.01 |
2023.05.01 |
Notification of Progress on Share Repurchase
2023.04.28 |
2023.04.28 |
Notice Concerning the Completion of the Pay-in Procedures for New Shares Issued as Post-Delivery Restricted-Stock-Based Remuneration
2023.04.27 |
フィリピン総合インフラ会社Metro Pacific Investment Corporationの公開買付けの開始予定に関するお知らせ
2023.04.27 |
Planned Commencement of Tender Offer to Acquire Metro Pacific Investments Corporation, an Integrated Infrastructure Company in the Philippines
2023.04.06 |
2023.04.06 |
Notice Concerning the Issuance of New Shares as Post-Delivery Restricted-Stock-Based Remuneration
2023.04.06 |
Corporate Governance Report
2023.04.06 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2023/04/06
2023.04.03 |
2023.04.03 |
Notification of Progress on Share Repurchase
2023.03.31 |
りらいあコミュニケーションズ及びKDDIエボルバの経営統合に伴うOtemachi Holdingsによるりらいあコミュニケーションズに対する公開買付け実施に向けた進捗状況
2023.03.31 |
Notice Regarding Progress of Tender Offer for Shares of Relia by Otemachi Holdings in Connection with Business Integration
2023.03.17 |
2023.03.17 |
Change and Reappointment of External Directors, and Change of External Audit & Supervisory Board Members
2023.03.01 |
2023.03.01 |
Notification of Progress on Share Repurchase and Number of Treasury Shares to be cancelled
2023.02.15 |
インドネシア パイトン発電事業の一部売先変更並びに完了見通しについて
2023.02.15 |
Partial change to buyers of PT Paiton Energy shares and expected timing of sale completion
2023.02.03 |
2023年3月期 第3四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2023.02.03 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Nine-Month Period Ended December 31, 2022 [IFRS]
2023.02.03 |
2023.02.03 |
Notice Regarding Revision of Year-end Dividend Forecast for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2023
2023.02.03 |
Notification of Partial Amendments to “Notification of Stock Repurchase and Cancellation of Treasury Stock”
2023.02.03 |
2023.02.02 |
2023.02.02 |
Acquisition of Additional Shares in Aim Services, a Major Contract Food Service Company in Japan
2023.02.01 |
2023.02.01 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2023.01.13 |
Corporate Governance Report
2023.01.13 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2023/01/13
2023.01.13 |
りらいあコミュニケーションズ及びKDDIエボルバの経営統合に伴うOtemachi Holdings合同会社によるりらいあコミュニケーションズに対する公開買付けの開始予定
2023.01.13 |
Notice Regarding Planned Commencement of Tender Offer for Shares of Relia by Otemachi Holdings in Connection with Business Integration
2023.01.13 |
2023.01.13 |
Changes of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members and Executive Officers
2023.01.04 |
2023.01.04 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2022.12.01 |
2022.12.01 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2022.11.10 |
Corporate Governance Report
2022.11.10 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2022/11/10
2022.11.02 |
2022.11.02 |
Notification of Results and Completion of Repurchase through Off-Auction Own Share Repurchase Trading System (ToSTNeT-3)
2022.11.01 |
2022.11.01 |
Notification of Stock Repurchase through Off-Auction Own Share Repurchase Trading System (ToSTNeT-3)
2022.11.01 |
2023年3月期 第2四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2022.11.01 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Six-Month Period Ended September 30, 2022 [IFRS]
2022.11.01 |
2022.11.01 |
Notice Regarding the Revision of Interim and Year-end Dividend Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2023
2022.11.01 |
2022.11.01 |
Notification of Stock Repurchase and Cancellation of Treasury Stock
2022.09.26 |
2022.09.26 |
Notification of Progress and End of Stock Repurchase
2022.09.01 |
2022.09.01 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2022.08.31 |
2022.08.31 |
SakhalinII Project
2022.08.12 |
2022.08.12 |
Mitsui to divest equity shares in Australian coking coal business
2022.08.02 |
2023年3月期 第1四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2022.08.02 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Three-Month Period Ended June 30, 2022 [IFRS]
2022.08.02 |
2022.08.02 |
Notification of Cancellation of Treasury Stock
2022.08.01 |
2022.08.01 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2022.07.29 |
2022.07.29 |
Notice Concerning the Completion of the Pay-in Procedures for New Shares Issued under the Remuneration System of Tenure-Linked Restricted Stock
2022.07.07 |
2022.07.07 |
Notice Concerning the Issuance of New Shares under the Remuneration System of Tenure-Linked Restricted Stock
2022.07.01 |
2022.07.01 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2022.06.22 |
Corporate Governance Report
2022.06.22 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2022/06/22
2022.06.01 |
2022.06.01 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2022.05.18 |
2022.05.18 |
2022.05.18 |
Notice of the 103rd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
2022.05.18 |
Items Disclosed on the Internet Concerning Notice of the 103rd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
2022.05.17 |
Corporate Governance Report
2022.05.17 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2022/05/17
2022.05.02 |
2022年3月期 決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2022.05.02 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2022 [IFRS]
2022.05.02 |
2022.05.02 |
Notice Concerning Difference between Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2021 and 2022
2022.05.02 |
2022.05.02 |
Notification of Stock Repurchase
2022.05.02 |
当社発電事業売却 完了見通しについて
2022.05.02 |
Expected period to divest Mitsui’s interests in power generation assets
2022.04.08 |
Corporate Governance Report
2022.04.08 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2022/04/08
2022.04.08 |
2022.04.08 |
Notice Regarding Revision of Executive Remuneration and Introduction of Performance-Linked Restricted Stock Remuneration System
2022.03.25 |
2022.03.25 |
Notification of Progress and End of Stock Repurchase
2022.03.24 |
再生可能エネルギー事業をグローバルに展開するMainstream Renewable Powerへの出資参画
2022.03.24 |
Participation in Global Renewable Energy Company, Mainstream Renewable Power
2022.03.24 |
2022.03.24 |
Reappointment of External Directors and Change of External Audit & Supervisory Board Members
2022.03.01 |
2022.03.01 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2022.02.03 |
2022年3月期 第3四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2022.02.03 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Nine-Month Period Ended December 31, 2021 [IFRS]
2022.02.03 |
2022.02.03 |
Notice Regarding Revision of Year-end Dividend Forecast for the Year Ending March 31, 2022
2022.02.01 |
2022.02.01 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2022.01.14 |
2022.01.14 |
Changes of Directors and Executive Officers
2022.01.04 |
2022.01.04 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2021.12.29 |
2021.12.29 |
Notice Regarding Results of Tender Offer for Shares of Human Associates Holdings, Inc. (Securities Code: 6575)
2021.12.16 |
Corporate Governance Report
2021.12.16 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2021/12/16
2021.12.16 |
2021.12.16 |
Notification of Stock Repurchase
2021.12.03 |
2021.12.03 |
Notice Regarding Results of Tender Offer for Shares of GOYO Foods Industry Co., Ltd. (Securities Code: 2230)
2021.12.02 |
2021.12.02 |
Mitsui to Acquire Additional Shares of MOECO (2)
2021.11.15 |
2021.11.15 |
Notice Regarding Commencement of Tender Offer for Shares of Human Associates Holdings, Inc. (Securities Code: 6575)
2021.11.11 |
Corporate Governance Report
2021.11.11 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2021/11/11
2021.11.02 |
2021.11.02 |
Notice Regarding Revision of Year-end Dividend Forecast for the Year Ending March 31, 2022
2021.11.02 |
2022年3月期 第2四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2021.11.02 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Six-Month Period Ended September 30, 2021 [IFRS]
2021.11.01 |
2021.11.01 |
Notification of Progress and End of Stock Repurchase
2021.10.28 |
米国MBK Real Estate LLCによる賃貸住宅(固定資産)の売却について
2021.10.28 |
MBK Real Estate LLC to Sell Multi-family Housing Property (Fixed Asset)
2021.10.27 |
Mitsui to Acquire Additional Shares of MOECO
2021.10.27 |
2021.10.15 |
2021.10.15 |
Notice Regarding Commencement of Tender Offer for Shares of GOYO Foods Industry Co., Ltd. (Securities Code: 2230)
2021.10.14 |
Notice Regarding Reports in the Media
2021.10.14 |
2021.10.14 |
2021.10.14 |
Mitsui Announces Partial Sale of Investment in PHC Holdings Corporation
2021.10.01 |
2021.10.01 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2021.09.16 |
Mitsui to divest its interest in MT Falcon Holdings
2021.09.16 |
メキシコ Falcon発電事業の持分売却について
2021.09.01 |
2021.09.01 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2021.08.25 |
2021.08.25 |
The conclusion of agreements on the merger of Mitsui Bussan I-Fashion Ltd. with the textiles business of Nippon Steel Trading Corporation
2021.08.03 |
2021.08.03 |
2021.08.03 |
2022年3月期 第1四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2021.08.03 |
Notification of Stock Repurchase and Cancellation of Treasury Stock
2021.08.03 |
Notification Regarding Revision of Consolidated Financial Result Forecast
2021.08.03 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Three-Month Period Ended June 30, 2021 [IFRS]
2021.07.30 |
2021.07.30 |
The completion of the pay-in procedures for new shares issued under the remuneration system of share performance-linked restricted stock
2021.07.09 |
Notice Concerning the Issuance of New Shares under the Remuneration System of Share Performance-Linked Restricted Stock
2021.07.09 |
2021.06.24 |
2021.06.24 |
Notification of Progress and End of Stock Repurchase
2021.06.22 |
インドネシア パイトン発電事業の持分売却について
2021.06.22 |
Mitsui to divest shares in PT Paiton Energy
2021.06.18 |
Corporate Governance Report
2021.06.18 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2021/06/18
2021.06.12 |
2021.06.12 |
Notice Regarding Results of Tender Offer for Shares of Honshu Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (Securities Code: 4115)
2021.06.01 |
2021.06.01 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2021.05.14 |
Notice Regarding Commencement of Tender Offer for Shares of Honshu Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (Securities Code: 4115)
2021.05.14 |
2021.05.14 |
2021.05.14 |
2021.05.14 |
Notice of the 102nd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
2021.05.14 |
Items Disclosed on the Internet Concerning Notice of the 102nd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
2021.05.13 |
Corporate Governance Report
2021.05.13 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2021/05/13
2021.05.13 |
2021.05.13 |
Allotment of Stock-based Compensation Stock Options with Stock Price Conditions to Managing Officers whose Entitlements were Suspended
2021.04.30 |
Notice Concerning Dividends
2021.04.30 |
中期経営計画2023の進捗 及び 2022年3月期事業計画
2021.04.30 |
Progress of Medium-term Management Plan 2023 and FY Mar/2022 Business Plan
2021.04.30 |
2021.04.30 |
Notification of Stock Repurchase
2021.04.30 |
Mitsui to Subscribe Convertible Bonds of PT CT Corpora, the Holding Company for CT Corp, a Consumer-Focused Conglomerate in Indonesia
2021.04.30 |
2021年3月期 決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2021.04.30 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2021 [IFRS]
2021.04.30 |
2021.04.30 |
インドネシア企業グループCT Corpの持株会社の転換社債引受
2021.04.27 |
2021.04.27 |
Notification of Progress and End of Stock Repurchase
2021.04.20 |
2021.04.20 |
Mitsui Entered into Definitive Agreement for Moatize and Nacala Projects, and Deconsolidation of Subsidiaries
2021.04.07 |
Corporate Governance Report
2021.04.07 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2021/04/07
2021.04.01 |
2021.04.01 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2021.03.24 |
2021.03.24 |
Reappointment of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Member
2021.03.01 |
2021.03.01 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2021.02.24 |
Notification of Stock Repurchase and Cancellation of Treasury Stock
2021.02.24 |
2021.02.03 |
2021.02.03 |
Notification Regarding Revision of Consolidated Financial Result Forecast
2021.02.03 |
2021年3月期 第3四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2021.02.03 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Nine-Month Period Ended December 31, 2020 [IFRS]
2021.01.21 |
2021.01.21 |
Mitsui Entered Into Heads of Agreement for Moatize Coal Mine, Nacala Corridor Rail & Port Infrastructure Projects
2021.01.15 |
Corporate Governance Report
2021.01.15 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2021/01/15
2021.01.15 |
Changes of Directors and Executive Officers
2021.01.15 |
役員人事 (代表取締役の異動に関するお知らせ)
2020.12.23 |
2020.12.23 |
Final Investment Decision for the Waitsia Gas Project Stage 2 Development
2020.12.23 |
Change of President and Chief Executive Officer
2020.12.23 |
2020.11.11 |
Notice Regarding Scheduled Commencement of Tender Offer for Shares of Honshu Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (Securities Code: 4115)
2020.11.11 |
2020.11.10 |
Corporate Governance Report
2020.11.10 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2020/11/10
2020.11.09 |
2020.11.09 |
Mitsui to Sell Its Interest in the Caserones Copper Mine in Chile and Dissolution and Liquidation of a Subsidiary Company
2020.10.30 |
2021年3月期 第2四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2020.10.30 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Six-Month Period Ended September 30, 2020 [IFRS]
2020.08.25 |
Mitsui to Sell Its Interest in OSIsoft (United States)
2020.08.25 |
2020.08.07 |
2020.08.07 |
The completion of the pay-in procedures for new shares issued under the remuneration system of share performance-linked restricted stock
2020.07.31 |
2021年3月期 第1四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2020.07.31 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Three-Month Period Ended June 30, 2020 [IFRS]
2020.07.31 |
Notice Regarding Introduction of Share-Based Compensation Plan for Employees
2020.07.31 |
2020.07.10 |
2020.07.10 |
Notice Concerning the Issuance of New Shares under the Remuneration System of Share Performance-Linked Restricted Stock
2020.07.10 |
2020.07.10 |
Allotment of Stock-based Compensation Stock Options with Stock Price Conditions to Managing Officers whose Entitlements were Suspended
2020.06.24 |
Notification of End of Stock Repurchase
2020.06.24 |
2020.06.19 |
Corporate Governance Report
2020.06.19 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2020/06/19
2020.06.01 |
2020.06.01 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2020.05.22 |
2020.05.22 |
2020.05.22 |
Notice of the 101st Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
2020.05.22 |
Items Disclosed on Internet Concerning Notice of the 101st Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
2020.05.01 |
2020年3月期 決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2020.05.01 |
2020.05.01 |
Revision of Our Mission, Vision, Values
2020.05.01 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2020 [IFRS]
2020.05.01 |
2020.05.01 |
New Medium-Term Management Plan
2020.05.01 |
2020.05.01 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2020.04.09 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2020/04/08
2020.04.08 |
Corporate Governance Report
2020.04.08 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2020/04/08
2020.04.01 |
2020.04.01 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2020.03.30 |
2020.03.30 |
Notice Regarding Results of Tender Offer for Shares of Sogo Medical Holdings Co., Ltd.
2020.03.27 |
2020.03.27 |
Notice Regarding Forecast of Consolidated Financial Results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020
2020.03.04 |
2020.03.04 |
Notification of Stock Repurchase
2020.03.02 |
2020.03.02 |
Notification of End of Stock Repurchase and Number of Shares of Treasury Stock to be Cancelled
2020.02.05 |
Execution of Agreement to Accept Tender Offer for Shares of Sogo Medical Holdings Co., Ltd.
2020.02.05 |
2020.02.04 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Nine-Month Period Ended December 31, 2019 [IFRS]
2020.02.04 |
2020年3月期 第3四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2020.02.03 |
2020.02.03 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2020.01.30 |
ブラジル沖合マルリン鉱区向け大水深対応FPSO 傭船事業に参画
2020.01.30 |
Investment in the Deepwater FPSO Charter Project for Marlim Field of Brazilian Offshore Oil Fields
2020.01.17 |
2020.01.17 |
Mitsui to Sell Its Interest in Power Generation Project in the U.S.A.
2020.01.17 |
2020.01.17 |
Changes of Directors and Executive Officers
2020.01.06 |
2020.01.06 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2019.12.18 |
Corporate Governance Report
2019.12.18 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2019/12/18
2019.12.02 |
2019.12.02 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2019.11.27 |
Mitsui Expects Recognition of Impairment Loss for Moatize Business
2019.11.27 |
2019.11.12 |
ブラジル沖合プレソルト層ブジオス鉱区向けFPSO 傭船事業に参画
2019.11.12 |
Investment in the Ultra-Deepwater FPSO Charter Project for Buzios Field of Brazilian Offshore Pre-Salt Oil Fields
2019.11.08 |
Corporate Governance Report
2019.11.08 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2019/11/08
2019.11.01 |
2019.11.01 |
Notification of Progress on Stock Repurchase
2019.10.30 |
2020年3月期 第2四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2019.10.30 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Six-Month Period Ended September 30, 2019 [IFRS]
2019.10.30 |
2019.10.30 |
Notification of Stock Repurchase and Cancellation of Treasury Stock
2019.10.29 |
加国C2C Power 風力・太陽光発電事業の持分売却について
2019.10.29 |
Mitsui to Sell Its Interest in C2C Power Wind & Solar Power Generation Portfolio in Canada
2019.09.13 |
Mitsui to Sell Its Interest in Columbia Asia Healthcare, Asian Hospital Group
2019.09.13 |
2019.09.10 |
Mitsui Announces Partial Sale of Investment in Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. (2)
2019.09.10 |
2019.09.05 |
ロシア・Arctic LNG2 プロジェクトの最終投資決断の実行
2019.09.05 |
Final Investment Decision for Arctic LNG 2 Project in Russia
2019.08.28 |
2019.08.28 |
Mitsui Announces Partial Sale of Investment in Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd.
2019.08.02 |
2019.08.02 |
The completion of the pay-in procedures for new shares issued under the remuneration system of share performance-linked restricted stock
2019.07.31 |
2020年3月期 第1四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2019.07.31 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Three-Month Period Ended June 30, 2019 [IFRS]
2019.07.03 |
Notice Concerning the Issuance of New Shares under the Remuneration System of Share Performance-Linked Restricted Stock
2019.07.03 |
2019.07.03 |
Allotment of Stock-based Compensation Stock Options with Stock Price Conditions to Managing Officers whose Entitlements were Suspended
2019.07.03 |
2019.06.29 |
ロシア・Arctic LNG2プロジェクト参画に関する持分売買契約締結
2019.06.29 |
Signing of Share Purchase Agreement for Equity Participation into Arctic LNG 2 Project in Russia
2019.06.20 |
Corporate Governance Report
2019.06.20 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2019/06/20
2019.06.19 |
2019.06.19 |
Final Investment Decision for the Mozambique LNG Project
2019.05.18 |
Notice of the 100th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
2019.05.16 |
2019.05.16 |
2019.05.16 |
Notice of the 100th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
2019.05.16 |
Items Disclosed on Internet Concerning Notice of the 100th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
2019.04.26 |
2019.04.26 |
2019.04.26 |
2019.04.26 |
Revision of Materiality
2019.04.26 |
Notice concerning the introduction of a remuneration system of share performance-linked restricted stock
2019.04.26 |
Notice Concerning Difference between Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2019 and 2018
2019.04.26 |
2019年3月期 決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)
2019.04.26 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2019 [IFRS]
2019.04.15 |
メキシコ沖合Area 1 鉱区向けFPSO 傭船事業に参画
2019.04.15 |
Investment in the FPSO Charter Project for Area 1 Block offshore Mexico
2019.03.20 |
Corporate Governance Report
2019.03.20 |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2019/03/20
2019.02.01 |
2019.02.01 |
Consolidated Financial Results for the Nine-Month Period Ended December 31, 2018 [IFRS]
2019.02.01 |
Correction of Consolidated Financial Results for the Six-Month Period Ended September 30, 2018 [IFRS]
2019.02.01 |
(訂正)「2019 年3 月期 第2 四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結)」の一部訂正に関するお知らせ
2019.01.18 |
2019.01.18 |
Changes of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members and Executive Officers